Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Easy Alfredo Sauce

Hello, this is OX. Yeah, I know, it has been a while since I've posted anything here. The novel I was working on is finished and I am quite happy to say that come the 26th it will be mailed out for its try at acceptance. In the mean time, I am really doing a good amount of cooking and just realized that everyone should know how to make an easy Alfredo sauce which is wonderful over pene pasta or linguini especially.

The really strange problem is that there really aren't any measurements to be had so, good luck.

1. Use as much milk or evaporated milk or cream as you would want the amount of Alfredo sauce to be into a skillet on the stove on medium heat. This is most important - DO NOT BOIL THE MILK/CREAM/EVAPORATED MILK!

2. Depending on the amount of milk/cream/evaporated milk you have, put in about 6 tablespoons of butter in and let the warming milk melt the butter.

3. Once the butter is melted, season it with salt.

4. Add in Parmesan cheese. It will take a good amount, so two cups isn't out there. Stir this in until the mixture is thick and creamy. Don't stir it hard, just let the mixture do all the work for you. It doesn't matter if the Parmesan cheese is fresh grated or from a nice box. Before taking it off of the heat, add garlic. Make it as garlicy as you would want, then pour it over pasta you have prepared.

One note I would like to make: Don't use sweetened condensed milk because that makes it way too sweet and you have to work with it a lot to make it less sweet.

So, enjoy!

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